a ceremonial community in service to Earth reconnection, inner transformation, and social change


A Year in Ceremony

In these perilous times marked by rapid unraveling, something amazingly beautiful is simultaneously happening:

We are reimagining ways of coming together around what is most sacred and most nourishing to our souls.  And we are discovering our rituals to honor life’s sacred rites of passage, to grieve and heal, to commune with Earth, Spirit, and Ancestors, and to co-create a more just and liberated future. 

A Year in Ceremony provides apprenticeship within a deep, immersive learning cohort for those who are being called forward in these times to hold sacred space within your communities, families, and professions, and to weave rituals of healing and empowerment.    

If this sounds like you, we warmly welcome you to apply to our forming cohort that begins in Sept 2024!


Rewilding Feminine Soul: A Weekend Gathering to Recover our Wholeness

Dates: May 17-18-19. Friday 5pm (arrival) - Sunday 3pm 
Location: Slate Creek Sanctuary, Hartsburg, MO

Is your wild heart longing for some barefoot-on-earth dancing, forest wandering, cuddled-in-each-others-arms recalibrating, gathered-round-the-fire Singing, cold water plunging, and brave heart truth-telling?  You’re invited. 

Come be refreshed and drink deep from the well of wisdom inside you, catalyzed by the caring presence of others who are also coming home to the vibrantly Alive divine feminine within.  We’ll ground in the blessings of our lives, grieve the impact of internalized sexism, slough and molt unneeded energies, and attune to where our soul’s song harmonizes with the song of Life. 

This gathering is for all those who identify as women or femme, and/or for those gender queer and nonbinary kin who were raised as female and welcome further connection in undoing unwanted sexist scripts ready for unwinding. This is a trans- affirming space.


“Our task is to sew back together the torn fabric of a truly human culture; one that is oriented toward beauty and creativity, deeply connected to Earth and Spirit, and guided by Soul."
~Carolyn Griffeth